Mar 19 2018
Encore Research

Each week we aim to demystify the world of audio visual equipment and event services lingo. In this week’s #TechieTuesday we take a look at the recent Vivid festival in Sydney.  If you visited Vivid or saw the spectacular pictures on television, you may have wondered how they created those beautiful landscapes of colour that blasted across the harbour.  


AV Discipline: Vision

AV Category: AV Effects

AV JargonThat looks cool…

Vivid requires many weeks and months of planning, to ensure each year is bigger and better than the last.  The level of detail and quality found across the creative installations is extremely complex, with some teams dedicating weeks if not months to planning and testing their designs.  In fact, this year’s Vivid saw each individual tile on the Sydney Opera House mapped out with pixel-perfect precision so each tile could be illuminated when needed.


Photo Credit: Naiker Photography ‘Sydney Opera House’


Let’s explore what’s involved and see how the technology can be used for corporate events.  There are two very different types of technologies found throughout Vivid, they are; colour changing lighting fixtures and projection mapping.

Colour changing fixtures are the simplest way to bring colour and movement to the festival.  Many landmarks were flooded in vibrant colours, providing spectators with a striking view of the harbour.  With careful selection and placement of lighting fixtures in and around the landmark, this allows the lighting designer to program the movement and transition of colours.  Hours of programming on a lighting console are required to ensure the correct timing and sequence of colours, transitioning from a cobalt blue one minute and morphing into an emerald green the next, bringing the land mark life!

Photo Credit: Naiker Photography ‘Sydney Opera House’

Video Projection Mapping is a highly technical way of incorporating visual effects and colour stimulation.  Many buildings were transformed with projected images, which warped and entertained the spectator’s senses.  With accurate focus and alignment of projectors, this allowed video designers to use the building as a canvas on which to project animated colours and objects.  Many hours of programming on a edit suit are required to create the animations and visual effects, with multi coloured pattern one minute and a growing garden enveloping the building the next.


Photo Credit: Naiker Photography ‘Customs House’

Colour, movement and animation are great ways to entertain, engage and stimulate your audience.  Elements that enhance your event will provide long lasting memories for your audience.  You can see that Vivid is not restricted by the confines of a function room, so any area can be transformed into your own bespoke event space.  All you need is the concept and the audio, vision and lighting equipment will assist in bringing it to life.

Check out the video below showing the awesome visual effects used to promote and launch the Alienware: Area 52 product.


Love learning lighting and AV techniques? Download our range of free White Papers today.

All images supplied by Naiker Photography. For more stunning images of landscapes with beautiful lighting effects visit their Facebook Page.


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