Making AV Work For You
When you’re preparing an AV budget for your event, there’s a lot more to think about than simply how much money to allocate for theming, lights, sound and vision. Understanding the audio visual requirements for your event and really knowing what is and isn’t crucial can make a big difference in your overall budget and spend.
When you’re preparing an AV budget for your event, there’s a lot more to think about than simply how much money to allocate for theming, lights, sound and vision. An event manager now has tools available to them that require thorough pre-production work with their AV provider on a creative level.
This free guide aims to demystify AV for event planners so you are getting the most value for money from your event’s AV design, a solid knowledge of the capabilities of both technology and your AV company are essential.
In this helpful guide we cover:
• Understanding the audio visual requirements for your event
• How to find the right AV supplier
• Where to start to brand your digital displays
• How to make sure the AV technology is adequate with the venue